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Cancellation policy

Last updated: 01 February 2024

We want satisfied customers, not hostages. That’s why we make it easy for you to cancel your account directly in all of our apps β€” no phone calls required, no questions asked.

Our legal responsibility is to account owners, which means we cannot cancel an account at the request of anyone else. If for whatever reason you no longer know who the account owner is, contact us. We will gladly reach out to any current account owners at the email addresses we have on file.

What happens when you cancel an account?

Once you cancel your subscription, your access will remain until the end of the relevant subscription period (we do not pro-rate subscriptions); once that period has elapsed, you will no longer be able to access the previously subscribed-to part of our offering.

LuxEdu-initiated cancellations

We may cancel accounts if they have been inactive for an extended period:

  • For standard accounts without subscriptions:
    • After 60 days without activity accounts can be frozen and deleted from our platform (we will notify you should this happen)

We also retain the right to suspend or terminate accounts for any reason at any time, as outlined in our Terms of Service. In practice, this generally means we will cancel your account without notice if we have evidence that you are using our products to engage in abusive behavior.